
Guide to Getting Veneers


It’s all too easy to take a beautiful smile for granted. Unfortunately, most people don’t have a naturally perfect smile. Misaligned, cracked, chipped, or discolored teeth can diminish the appearance of a smile, causing many people to avoid showing their teeth and only smiling with their lips. 

If there are imperfections in your smile that you’d like to change, veneers could work for you; veneers are designed to eliminate the appearance of dental flaws so that you can smile with confidence.  Continue reading “Guide to Getting Veneers”

How to Look Younger: Tips to Turn Back the Clock

Youthful Look dalton

If you’re frustrated with an aging appearance, you’re not alone. The aging process alters the appearance, causing wrinkles, fine lines, sagging skin, and lost skin volume. Additionally, dental problems, including misaligned, chipped, cracked, or discolored teeth, can age your look. At Dalton Dental, we can help you overcome these signs of aging and achieve a more youthful look with a range of advanced procedures.  Continue reading “How to Look Younger: Tips to Turn Back the Clock”

The Importance of Oral Health

Importance of Regular Dental Check-ups for Oral and Overall Health

Regular dental check-ups are crucial to keep up the appearance and strength of your teeth as well as your gum health. However, did you know that your level of oral health can influence your overall health?

Certain details of your dental health can point to signs of health issues elsewhere in your body, which is just one reason why it’s so important to maintain positive oral health with regular trips to the dentist.

How Oral Health Impacts Your Overall Health

Every system within your body contains millions of bacteria. Most of these are completely harmless and, in fact, help maintain the health of certain organs. However, not all bacteria is helpful or harmless; some bacteria can lead to issues such as bacterial infections, and the mouth is one of the major points of entry into your body from the outside world.

Continue reading “The Importance of Oral Health”

Tampa Smile Makeover: A Guide to Gaining Your Confidence Back Without the Wait

Tampa Dentist Tells All on Sexy ‘Million Dollar’ Smile Makeovers

Can you really put a price on self-esteem? Truth is, our confidence radiates from the inside, but it doesn’t mean we aren’t taking notice of what’s happening on the outside. After all, we all own a mirror. Sometimes, you may wish you didn’t. 

According to one Forbes article, confidence plays a key role in determining your future.  Continue reading “Tampa Smile Makeover: A Guide to Gaining Your Confidence Back Without the Wait”

Why are My Gums Receding?

This month we’re talking all about the health of your gums! You might not realize it, but your gums are actually really important to your overall oral health. If your gums aren’t healthy, your mouth isn’t healthy! Periodontal (gum) disease and other dental issues can lead to advanced tooth decay and tooth loss. 

But gum disease isn’t the only reason for receding gums, and poor dental hygiene isn’t always the cause of gum disease. Here are some of the most common causes of receding gums that Delton Dental recommends you look into.

Gums can recede with age.

The rest of your body is affected by aging. Why wouldn’t your mouth be affected as well? Sometimes gums can start to recede simply due to age. If you have certain genetics and/or have a blood relative with receding gums, it is much more likely that this will be the case for you, too. Continue reading “Why are My Gums Receding?”

The Million Dollar Secret Behind the Celebrity Vermillion Border

Updated: Jan 5, 2023

In the costly, complex, yet affordable world of veneers – the Best work is Undetectable.  It does not mean the results are invisible. In fact, the improvement is usually life-changing. Life changing in a way that empowers confidence, and when you have confidence you are Unstoppable. The thin porcelain veneers are able to instantly correct unsightly discoloration, chips, gaps, misaligned and worn down teeth. The finest veneers look born-this-way natural.  We invite you to our state-of-the-art practice for a complimentary consult. Learn more with Dalton Dental today!

Benefits of Gum Laser Dentistry

Laser Dentistry

There are a lot of different treatments available for different types of dental issues. While most of those treatments were developed over the course of decades, they are often now outdated when used alone. Although the traditional methods of dentistry are still very much alive today, they are now being combined with gum laser dentistry. Here is how this special treatment works and how it can benefit you.

For the most part, lasers aren’t going to be an exclusive treatment. Rather, these lasers are used to enhance the procedures that dentists have already been using for over a century. The laser treatment is completely safe, and your recovery and pain will be significantly reduced. Continue reading “Benefits of Gum Laser Dentistry”

What Is Laser Dentistry, and Why Should It Be Used?

You may have heard of laser dentistry in conjunction with gum disease and receding gums, but did you know that it actually has many other purposes? Laser dentistry has actually been used since the late 80s, and since then it has developed by leaps and bounds. Essentially, it simply refers to the use of lasers in dental procedures. Here are a few times when laser dentistry should be used.

Detecting and Treating Cavities

Dental lasers don’t just offer treatment; they also offer the ability to detect problems that dentists can’t always see with other methods. The dental laser can be passed over throughout your mouth, giving it the opportunity to detect any pockets of infection or bacteria and debris. Once identified, the dentist can use the tool to remove the offending matter and repair the cavity. If you allow your dentist to do this as a part of your annual checkup, they may be able to detect cavities much sooner. Continue reading “What Is Laser Dentistry, and Why Should It Be Used?”

Advantages of Laser Dental Surgery

There are a lot of tried and true dental procedures, technologies, and techniques, just as with other fields of medicine and science. However, in dental practices we are finding that laser dental procedures, although new, are the safest method of correcting dental problems. Laser dentistry has many other advantages as well.

Decreased bleeding

One of the harder parts of a dentist’s job is trying to control bleeding so that they can see what they are doing. The more blood, the more suction needed and the longer the procedure is likely to take. Laser dentistry cauterizes the small wound as it is made, decreasing bleeding and making the procedure easier and shorter. Continue reading “Advantages of Laser Dental Surgery”