
Combat Receding Gums with Gum Rejuvenation

Your gums can recede for a few different reasons, but the most common is periodontal (gum) disease. Some medications, tobacco use, and other factors can increase the risk and speed up the process. While you can never grow back the gum tissue that you lose, the tissue loss can be stopped and kept at bay.

Why you should care about receding gums

Even if the receding of your gums is not advanced enough to cause comment, you should still care about receding gums. The job of your gums is to hold your teeth in place and provide them with stability. If the gum is decreased or gone completely, there is nothing holding in your teeth and they will fall out, usually at the root. Receding gums can also cause infections and abscesses in the mouth. Continue reading “Combat Receding Gums with Gum Rejuvenation”

What Is a Gum Graft, and Why Is It Done?

Do your teeth seem to be getting bigger? Do you always seem to be grinning like a horse in pictures you’re not prepared to snap? These problems might not have anything to do with your teeth at all. It could be an issue with your gums, and if left untreated, you could be looking at tooth loss sooner than later. Dalton Dental can provide you with some answers. 

Receding gums is the most common reason for a gum graft.

Receding gums is usually caused by advanced periodontal disease, more commonly known as gum disease. Another cause is grinding or clenching our teeth, as it places stress on the teeth and attached tissue. The recession of the gums can make the teeth look larger, but it doesn’t just look bad, it can also expose the roots of your teeth, causing decay and potential loss of the tooth. Continue reading “What Is a Gum Graft, and Why Is It Done?”

So you’ve decided to make the investment in the smile you’ve always desired and you’re proud of your new look!  If you want that feeling to last, you’re going to have to take care of it. You’ll want to maintain and protect the investment you’ve made in yourself.   Here’s how you should care for your composite resin or porcelain veneers.

Brushing and flossing your teeth with veneers

For the most part, you’re going to continue brushing and flossing as normal after getting veneers, but there are some things that you may need to change.  Continue reading

The Amazing Benefits of Veneers

Are you on the fence about whether or not you want to get veneers? There are some excellent reasons to get permanent veneers aside from appearance. You might want to get veneers if you have a chipped tooth or if the tooth has been compromised somehow. In these cases, a permanent veneer could be preferable to a crown to produce the same results while keeping more of the natural tooth structure. Ready to learn more? Read on.

What do you mean by Permanent Veneers?

Veneers can perform the same function as a crown but are not quite the same. Both have to be carefully shaped and applied to your teeth. They are both made of similar materials.  While a crown covers all the tooth surfaces, a veneer covers the front of the tooth and can be shaped to create the smile you and your dental team explicitly designed for you.  You’ll need to decide with your dentist if crowns or veneers will be the best choice to create your desired look. Continue reading “The Amazing Benefits of Veneers”