Category: Gum Issues

  • What is a Gum Lift?

    Everyone desires to have the perfect smile. This plays a considerable role in how you feel about yourself. However, dental conditions like a gummy smile can affect your smile and confidence. A gummy smile refers to extra gum tissues covering part of your teeth. Fortunately, you can correct this with a cosmetic dentistry surgery known…

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  • Why Are Gum Grafts Necessary?

    Your oral health is invaluable, no matter what stage of life you’re in. Not only does good oral health support the beautiful smile that we all strive for; it also protects the health of your entire body.  The condition of your gums impacts the health of your entire body. Gum disease can increase your risk…

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  • What To Expect During Gum Graft Recovery

    Receding gums is a common dental problem caused by several things, including simple aging. Sometimes, receding gums are caused by overzealous dental hygiene, such as brushing too long, too vigorously, or too often. But no one knows the cause of your receding gums when they look at you. They only know that your teeth look…

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  • Why are My Gums Receding?

    This month we’re talking all about the health of your gums! You might not realize it, but your gums are actually really important to your overall oral health. If your gums aren’t healthy, your mouth isn’t healthy! Periodontal (gum) disease and other dental issues can lead to advanced tooth decay and tooth loss.  But gum…

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  • Benefits of Gum Laser Dentistry

    Laser Dentistry There are a lot of different treatments available for different types of dental issues. While most of those treatments were developed over the course of decades, they are often now outdated when used alone. Although the traditional methods of dentistry are still very much alive today, they are now being combined with gum…

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  • What Is a Gum Graft, and Why Is It Done?

    Do your teeth seem to be getting bigger? Do you always seem to be grinning like a horse in pictures you’re not prepared to snap? These problems might not have anything to do with your teeth at all. It could be an issue with your gums, and if left untreated, you could be looking at…

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  • Combat Receding Gums with Gum Rejuvenation

    Your gums can recede for a few different reasons, but the most common is periodontal (gum) disease. Some medications, tobacco use, and other factors can increase the risk and speed up the process. While you can never grow back the gum tissue that you lose, the tissue loss can be stopped and kept at bay.…

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