





Dr. Hilary Dalton is an exceptional dentist and healthcare provider.  But her life is far more than that.  Her life beyond dentistry includes being a wife, the mother of three children, a lifetime athlete and health enthusiast. 

Her typical day starts at 5 am. First to the gym, then to work.  She often juggles errands and family responsibilities during the lunch hour.  After-work hours are filled with her kid’s school activities and sports before arriving back home sometime between 7 and 9 pm.

It’s a juggling act that requires efficiency and organization to pull off.  “I’ve tried using digital technology to help with my family’s schedule, but it can’t keep up!  I use color-coded post-it notes to help stay on track.”

She loves to travel and learn about new cultures and languages. She also loves beaches where she can enjoy soft sand and crystal-blue water that turns deep blue further from shore. 

She’s right at home under the water, too.  Whether swimming with dolphins or sharks, Dr. Dalton is always ready for adventure and discovery.

Her social media posts chronicle her positive experiences like dancing with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers Cheerleaders or media appearances.

She continually challenges herself to become the best version of herself. And through her social media platforms, she inspires others to do the same.


“Always a Positive and Upbeat Experience!”

I have been going to Dr. Dalton for the last 4 years. It’s always a positive and upbeat experience. Her office is delightful to go to, and she does a great job. I’m very happy with Dr. Dalton and highly recommend her.
Bet Killian
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